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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can Petrik products be puchased?

Petrik products can be acquired in various ways, mainly through consultants and retail businesses. Contact our office to find the nearest Petrik retailer available.

Everybody in the ag business seems to know the answers for the farmer. What makes Petrik different from the other companies?

There are several differences. First, our roots go back to 1947 when the first fieldwork was done by Vaclav Petrik, Sr. Our products and systematic approach have a long history of success. Secondly, we do not offer miraculous cures, nor do we claim to have discovered the one missing element in the soil's nutrition. We promote good soil science and balanced nutrition. Another difference is that our data is based on experience from around the world, not just a small part of our neighborhood. This enables us to deal with a large scope of situations. Petrik is unique also in that we offer consultation for the farmer about soil, plant, and microbial nutrition and we take care of the full aspect of the physical, chemical, and biological part of soil management. Finally, it is the goal of the Petrik System to manage all resources to the ultimate goal of elimination of pesticides. We help growers to achieve healthier crops through proper soil and plant nutrition.

Does Petrik offer products other than what is included in the basic Petrik System?

The Petrik System contains basic products for soil and crop management, but Petrik also offers a variety of products not directly involved in the systematic approach.

CompoStar is a popular compost inoculant available as a liquid or dry powder. It is a general compost starter with live microorganisms for directed composting to help with even temperatures, increased humification, and shortened composting time. Even temperatures throughout the compost pile mean even finishing and reduce the risk of contaminants being left in the compost. CompoStar contains excipients and groups of beneficial microorganisms that work as a team assuring a balance in compost metabolism to produce semi-stable humus. CompoStar products can handle most organic composting jobs that have a carbon to nitrogen ratio below 60. CompoStar materials can help in meeting EPA composting requirements by reducing runoff toxicity.

Manurex (H.O.P.) is an organic matter digesting material used in liquid or high moisture environments. Three main uses of Manurex are for odor elimination and solids reduction in manure pits, ammonia reductions and composting chicken manure, and BOD reduction and hydrogen sulfide elimination of municipal waste facilities.

Does Petrik use any genetically engineered microorganisms or genetically engineered ingredients?

All ingredients are chosen to not have originated from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Our microorganisms are all naturally bred (selectively), none are genetically modified.